Did you know that Bisahat Jaitpura a village in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh is the 200th village to be declared free of avoidable blindness? Find out how and why by reading the spring 2017 addition of Sightlines at www.operationeyesight.com

If you value your eyesight, think how valuable it is to help someone regain theirs. Donate to www.operationeyesight.com or phone 403-283-6323. This organization was founded by a Calgarian and is now world wide.

Art Jenkins the founder of Operation Eyesight said “ You can’t change the world but you can change some people’s world. That is what a donation to Operation Eyesight will do.  To contribute to their work donate on line or phone 1-800-585-8265 or 403-283-6323.

Check with Operation Eyesight to see if your company will match donations that you make to Operation Eyesight. This is a good way to double your impact.